Dear Monday…

If you could please take it easy on me today, that would be appreciated.  Maybe Sunday told you, but we had a fun Easter at the ER with my son who learned to climb out of his crib in a not so graceful or safe way. He then decided not to sleep in his own bed for more than 10 minutes and I put him back to bed 4 times. 5:30 am IS too early to wake up, but not if you’re two and you have a new easy to get out of toddler bed. Momma is tired today!
Tuesday and I are fighting because I have schedule conflicts to resolve (too many appointments on the same day) and a coaching with my cranky boss. Way to screw up the week for me Tuesday!!
Wednesday feels bad for me because I don’t think I can make it to therapy that day and still get everything done before Thursday, which is the day Rob has knee surgery. *sigh*
Friday is…well Friday. You know that guy is ALWAYS partying and trying to persuade me to ignore everything else and just run off and play. Nice try Friday, but hubby will still be laid up and whining about pain and the distance of the remote from his reach…etc etc.
So, as you can see Monday, I have a lot on my plate. I know we usually start off on the wrong foot, and often I tell you I hate you, but if we could just shake hands and make up I promise from now on to greet you with as much positivity as possible! Maybe you and I could be friends? I know you probably don’t have lots of those…
Well, take care and tell Tuesday to watch his back!! I’m gonna kick his butt all up and down this week!

Go build a fort

On days that I’m not “feeling it” I just want to revert back to childhood and gather up sheets, blankets, and pillows and go build a fort to beat all other forts. As a kid we would watch movies from the fort or I would read books, but I think now I would nap above all other possible options. I watched a show about treehouses the other day and had the same feeling that building a fort did for me years ago. I realized that if I ever make my millions, or win them in the lottery, I would have a spectacular tree house built, complete with library that was as tall as the house or perhaps the tree the house was built in.

I’m having one of those days where a fort and nap or book is in order. I have tomorrow off because I swapped shifts with someone. It’s a blessing and a curse because I’ll have to work Saturday and will have split days off. Yuck.

I have a new cookie love and am going to scour the internet till I can a large bunch of them. They are of course European and hard to get here.  They’re called Pims, and I must try them in cherry, pear, and strawberry. All I can get in Washington is raspberry and orange, both yummy, but certainly not cherry. If they made lemon I would be relentless till I got some in my hot little hand.

That’s all I can manage today. Tomorrow hopefully there will be a recipe, and pics of me in the sunshine.

I’m sorry…what’s my name?

I’m totally wiped today. I can’t say I did LOTS over the weekend,  but my body feels like I did. This is discouraging in light of the fact that we’ve been talking about a second baby, because I know I’d feel more worn out if I was preggo. I really think I’m just out of shape and it’s time I gave up all of my excuses and did something. 

In the meantime, the new place is shaping up. I got cupboard organizers this weekend, and cleaned them out and put everything in a specific place. There’s only one cupboard it didn’t work with, and I’m completely baffled about it. No idea how to fix it. I have corner cupboards, deep ones, and I’m short and so is hubby so our solution was “turntables”. Now they look like this-


Bottom cupboards


Upper cupboards. 
The empty shelf above the bottles is for my copious amount of tupperware containers. Speaking of tupperware….I got this:


As a wedding present. I have yet to use it, and spent a half an hour looking for the “thingy” to turn the “dealey-bob”, and I almost threw the whole contraption out in frustration. I’m sure if I’d bothered to keep the instructions I’d be in love with it and would use it several times a week. When it was given to us it lived in the garage for almost a year and then in a hurry I pulled it out and tossed the box and instructions. I couldn’t be bothered to read them right then and I was in a big fat hurry to get rid of some clutter and clean the garage.  I figured “how hard could it be? “. Uh huh.

What?! Sorry! Dozed off for a second. I slept like crap last night, and would have rather walked on broken glass than get out of bed this morning. Since my boss doesn’t care how worn out my middle aged body is, and mentally exhausting it is to parent a toddler, I dragged my butt all the way till now…and then I hit the wall. I swear I could fall asleep sitting straight up.
But I do like my paycheck and benefits. I use those quite a bit. Example: I’m taking bubba to a new pediatrician’s this week. I need a referral to a specialist.  Let me rant for a quick minute here…
So after Av stops talking for a full month, and the head banging escalates, and the disinterest in other children occurs, I had to take him to the ped’s twice to get a referral. I had to call the ped’s office once I got Av to the babbysitter and me to work when I discovered that the pamplet he gave me is for a doctor that is different than the one that was mentioned during the appointment. Once that was straightened out, I had to fill out an online referral form for the specialist with 150 different pieces of information about my child included. That specialist finally called last week, Friday to be exact, and said he doesn’t see children under 3. Really?!
So, yes, we’re going to a different doctor’s office. I may not always take him there when he’s sick and needs a check up but I need a valid referral to a specialist. This week. Not next week. Not after I take him in two more times. Now.
End rant.

In other news, we made friends with our neighbors two doors down. They have two little boys,  5 yrs and 3yrs old. I think it was very good for Avery. He needs to have more play time with kids around his age. I’m glad we met some that live so close by! They are super nice, and we had them over to the house yesterday. I think everyone had a good time.
I’m now going to go practice sleeping at my desk with my eyes open. I hope everyone is having a great Monday!

Recipes!!! And an update…

Well, here we go…the easiest recipe known to man, and the source of much delight to those close to me last week. The recipe was a Pinterest find so I can’t take all the credit.  Here is the link
And pictures…yummy!!!!

The curd that started it all! (See my girl scout cookies in the background? Tsk, such a cookie-a-holic!)


The curd spread on the pie dough.




I used a heavy cream wash,  instead of egg, and then sprinkled the sugar.


Baking!  Last photo I have ‘cuz then we chowed down and I gave a couple away. I also baked all of the pie and curd “scraps”. I couldn’t stand to waste any of it!
So I made those last week (I’m a little behind on my posting) and also made this yummy pasta salad.


Bow tie pasta, 8-12 oz depending on how much salad you want
Yellow cherry tomatoes
Mini pepperoni
Cheddar cheese cubes
Broccoli florets
Sliced olives
1 yellow pepper,  diced
1 orange pepper,  diced
1 whole bottle of Kraft zesty Itallian dressing
Seasoning salt, just a couple shakes

I don’t know if we can even call this a “recipe”, it’s just a bunch of ingredients tossed together.  Literally. 

Made mom’s pizza porcupine patties on Monday, and crock pot chicken philly sandwiches last night.  I also made dark chocolate fudge thin mint brownies (had to use my surplus of cookies somehow!). That was a cheater recipe because I let Betty Crocker do all the hard work making the mix and just crunched up thin mint cookies and mixed ’em in. It was tastey!
The porcupine patties, I’ll have to dig through my previous posts and make sure I haven’t listed before. The philly sammies were SUPER easy!
If I’ve never mentioned it before, here it is again: my husband doesn’t eat leftovers. It’s fine but most of my recipes are adapted to produce less leftovers because I can’t eat everything myself!

Chicken philly sandwiches
1 chicken breast (mine was frozen)
1 sliced sweet onion
1 sliced green pepper
2 tbl butter
1/2 cup chicken broth or stock
Salt & pepper to taste
3-4 tbl A-1 steak sauce
Hoagie rolls
Sliced provolone or mozzarella cheese

I layered, butter, onion, green pepper, chicken breast, salt and pepper, chicken broth over top, then A-1 in the crock pot. Cook on low for 5-6 hours, then shred the chicken and stir all together.  Serve warm on hoagie rolls with cheese of choice. My husband likes mayo on his rolls, I can’t stand mayo. To each their own!
No picture of that,  it wasn’t super pretty, but tasted good!

The week has been good so far. Hubby had friends over for a bit last night and mostly out of shame I got some more unpacking done. I hate having a garage full of stuff that needs to find a home still but my energy level isn’t as high as my desire for organization.  For now the boxes are neatly stacked and that’s not awful. I’m going this weekend to Bed Bath and Beyond to get some things to organize my cupboards better. We also have to get little man some more clothes. He all of a sudden shot up and straight out of his existing clothes. Big boy!!
I also finished the body of a blanket for a friend’s birthday.


It’s going to have crocheted flowers on it like this one.


I’m glad it’s done but I have another blanket project in mind already. I’ll post pictures when this one is complete with edging and glowers though. 

My husband’s MRI on his knee came back and he’s going to have to have surgery. There are several things wrong icluding a ruptured ACL. Ouch!! We’re just hoping he can get in as soon as possible but it’s a process. Between the doctors and his benefits it could be another month or so.

I submitted our paperwork for Avery’s autism assessment but haven’t heard anything back yet.  When I know, you’ll know…ya know?

New therapist appointment tonight. I’m not sure if I’m anxious about it or not. So far I feel ok today. We’ll see how it goes. I always say I won’t cry when I go to therapy visits, and I almost always do anyway. I have the freezer stocked with ice cream bars, and girl scout cookies in the cupboard just in case I come home feeling a little low. Wish me luck!